
A theatre, film, and radio actress, graduate of the Acting Studio at the Gdańsk Wybrzeże (Coastal) Theatre. In 2011 the artist was decorated with the Silver Medal for Merit to Culture – Gloria Artis.
Przemysław Stippa is an actor and graduate of Warsaw’s Theatre Academy (2004). Since graduating, he has worked at the National Theatre in Warsaw. He also works with other theatres in the city: Dramatyczny, Scena Prezentacje, Soho – Studio Teatralne Koło, as well as the Juliusz Osterwa Theatre in Lublin. He also appears in TV productions and is an accomplished voice actor.
He graduated from Kazimierz Michalik’s class at Warsaw’s Fryderyk Chopin Academy (now – University) of Music. An Austrian government scholarship made it possible for him to complete postgraduate studies with Tobias Kühne in Vienna. He also attended courses taught by Miloš Sádlo, Daniel Szafran, and Roman Jabłoński.
Singer and instrumentalist, songwriter, composer of theatre and film music; curator and music producer; documentary film director and scriptwriter; promoter of Polish and foreign traditional music; originator of Monodia Polska singers’ ensemble, which performs songs from oral tradition.
One of the most recognisable harpsichordists of the young generation, Świątkiewicz has performed on many types of harpsichords and clavichords, as well as on historical pianos and organs, focusing particularly on the art of improvisation.
Founded in 1945, it was headed by such conductors as Witold Krzemieński, Stanisław Skrowaczewski, Karol Stryja, and Mirosław Jacek Błaszczyk, among others. The position of its artistic director and principal conductor is currently held by Yaroslav Shemet.
Conductor and teacher, she graduated from Silesia University's Faculty of Arts and has a PhD in conducting. She has created and led a number of vocal ensembles, winning awards at festivals in Poland and abroad. She has been praised as director and conductor of the City of Katowice Singers’ Ensemble Camerata Silesia, an ensemble of solo vocalists, which she founded in 1990.
He studied piano with Józef Śmidowicz and Aleksander Michałowski at Warsaw’s Higher School of Music, piano with Artur Schnabel and Leonid Kreutzer and composition with Franz Schreker at the Berlin State Academy. He played Chopin in Polish Radio’s last wartime broadcast in September 1939 (and opened the PR’s first postwar broadcast with the same programme). In Warsaw Ghetto from 1940, and then hid on the Aryan side from 1943 onwards. When the war ended, Szpilman returned to Polish Radio as deputy head of the music department, and (till 1963) also head of popular music section.
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